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The Global Affairs team puts UZH in the global spotlight to be recognized internationally for its positive impact on global society and future generations. We foster strong links to like-minded partners and facilitate an active dialogue with relevant stakeholders. We engage with the UZH community to foster a global mindset and achieve the objectives set out in the Global Strategy 2030. Let's get in touch!
If you have a general request, you can send it to: office@global.uzh.ch
For questions related to student mobility, please contact the Global Student Experience Team: Contact
With its Global Strategy 2030, the University of Zurich (UZH) has set clear goals for its internationalization. In consultation with faculties and central service departments, accountability for achieving these goals is spread across the whole institution. We coordinate the implementation of the Global Strategy 2030 with the UZH community by proactively encouraging, supporting and aligning activities with relevant internal stakeholders along the goals set out in the strategy document.
In particular, we increase the visibility of UZH’s impactful research and teaching related to solving global challenges with relevant stakeholders through proactive communication measures, organization of international events, sustainable stakeholder engagement and strong partnerships with likeminded institutions.