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Global Affairs

Connecting UZH and the World in Education, Research and Innovation

UZH and Swissnex have signed a new mandate agreement that will shape their collaboration in promoting education, research, and innovation worldwide, while fostering international exchange and networks.

In an informal setting in the restaurant “UniTurm” overlooking the city of Zurich, Ambassador Jacques Ducrest, Head of the International Relations Division at the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) (right side) and UZH President Michael Schaepman (left side) signed a new mandate agreement that will provide the framework in which both organizations will collaborate with each other in the future.

Swissnex – a strong partner of UZH for many years

Launched as an initiative by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation, Swissnex is part of Switzerland’s network abroad, working closely with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.

With six dedicated locations in some of the world's most innovative regions, Swissnex has grown into a global network over the past 20 years. Additionally, Swissnex has 20 Science Counselors based at Swiss embassies in major cities worldwide, which supplement the Swissnex locations.

Enabling bottom-up collaboration

The new mandate agreement marks the first time that UZH and Swissnex have spelled out the basic services that Swissnex will provide on behalf of its official mandate by the SERI to UZH. These services include, amongst other things, the promotion of UZH research output through Swissnex's digital channels or supporting UZH researchers when traveling abroad.

In addition to these basic services, the agreement will also enable UZH units, from individual researchers to entire faculties, to collaborate with Swissnex on specific projects with transparent roles, responsibilities, and costs.

Swissnex's know-how and local embedment in research and innovation communities make it an invaluable partner for UZH. Project topics can range from building contacts with local institutions to increasing the visibility of UZH in a specific country, among other possible services. By valuing a bottom-up approach, the new mandate agreement will allow UZH and Swissnex to deepen their existing ties, jointly working towards the promotion of education, research, and innovation abroad.

Raphael Kunz


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Raphael Kunz

Team Lead Global Dialogues